Week 1: No Lab
Week 2: Data collection in the ISC, meet on the 1st floor of the ISC instead of our usual lab.
Week 3: Your first dynamic report using Rmarkdown
Week 4: Data visualisation with ggplot2
Lab 4 data: plankton data
Week 5: Data: Gliding Snake Undulations; Stickleback Plates
Lab 5: Coding notes and 3 lab write-up questions – use the Stickleback Plates data.
Week 6: Integration: Pesticide use in Kaua’i handout and data.
Week 7: Regular expression practice grep/gsub practice and practice text file
Regex testing website: https://regex101.com/
Regex tutorial: http://regexone.com/
Week 8: Function lab exercise
Week 9: Data mashups lab exercises
Data: mammal_physiology.csv, mammal_taxonomy.csv, hemlock and woolly adelgid data
Week 11:
Data: blackbird_testosterone_raw.csv
Week 12: Final project work
Week 13: Linear Models
Data: LM Example Data
Week 14: More on ANCOVA
Code: Mole Rat Analyses
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