jillian dunic

Current wherabouts: Jillian is now a Ph.D. student in the Côté Lab at Simon Frasier.
Curriculum Vitae: pdf
Email: jdunic@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/jdunic
Twitter: @jdunic


I study human drivers of biodiversity change in the ocean through large-scale data analysis coupled with field experiments. I am interested in examining these changes from local to global scales.

I am currently working with a group of graduate students at UMass Boston to examine the potential drivers of local-scale biodiversity change in marine environments using a meta-analysis.

At a smaller scale, I am interested in how habitat patchiness can structure ecological communities and affect ecosystem functioning. I have begun to test this using a subtidal field manipulation at Misery Island in Salem sound, where I have created patches of just red algae, just kelp, or have left a mixture of red algae and kelp. I want to see how patchiness at a plot-level affects the diversity and composition of fish, invertebrate, and algal communities.



Introduction to Practical Computing in R

The goal of this course is to make research and data analysis easier by introducing students to computing tools commonly used in biological data analysis. The focus of this course is on practical computing so that students will leave the course and implement these tools to effectively work on collaborative research projects and prepare reproducible research. This course is targeted at novice R users, however, students at all levels may benefit from lectures on reproducible research and data management. Students will learn through live-coding, in-class exercises, and short weekly assignments. This course will be taught using the statistical programming language R, however, the concepts covered are not specific to the choice of programming language. Assignments are designed to make students comfortable using additional tools such as git, Github, Rmarkdown, Make, and Shiny in conjunction with R.

Click here for the full syllabus!

If you are interested but unsure if this course is for you please contact me!